Concurrency 1
- Examples of concurrency issues (e.g. counter++)
- Root causes of concurrency issues
- Critical sections and mutual exclusion
- Requirements and approaches for mutual exclusion
- Threads and processes execute concurrently or in parallel and can share resources
- Multiprogramming/multiprocessing improves system utilisation
- A process/thread can be interrupted at any point in time (I/O, timer)
- The process “state” is saved in the process control block
- The outcome of programs may become unpredictable[不可预知的]
- Sharing data can lead to inconsistencies[矛盾]
- I.e., the outcome of execution may depend on the order win which instructions are carried out
Incrementing a counter
consists of three separate actions:- 1 read the value of counter and store it in a register
- 2 add one to the value in the register
- 3 store the value of the register in counter
- The above actions are NOT “atomic”, e.g. they can be interrupted by the timer (⇒ context switch)
Bounded Buffers
- Consider a bounded buffer in which N items can be stored
- A counter is maintained to count the number of items currently in the buffer
- Incremented when an item is added
- Decremented when an item is removed
- Similar concurrency problems as with the calculation of sums happen in the bounded buffer (producer/consumer) problem
Race Conditions
- A race condition occurs when multiple threads/processes access shared data and the result is dependent on the order in which the instructions are interleaved
Concurrency within the OS
Data Structures
- Kernels are preemptive these days (⇔ non-preemptive)
- Multiple processes are running in the kernel
- I.e. kernel processes can be interrupted at any point
- The kernel maintains data structures, e.g. process tables, memory structures, open file lists, etc.
- These data structures are accessed concurrently/in parallel
- These can be subject to concurrency issues
- Processes share resources, including memory, files, processor time, printers, I/O devices, etc.
- The operating system must:
- Allocate and deallocate these resources safely (i.e. avoid interference, deadlocks and starvation)
- Make sure that interactions within the OS do not result in race conditions
- The operating system must provide locking mechanisms to implement/support mutual exclusion (and prevent starvation and deadlocks)
Critical Sections[临界段], Mutual Exclusion[互斥]
- A critical section is a set of instructions in which shared variables are changed
Mutual exclusion must be enforced for critical sections
- Only one process at a time should be in the critical section (mutual exclusion)
- Processes have to get “permission” before entering their critical section123456789do{...// ENTRY to critical sectioncritical section, e.g.counter++;// EXIT critical sectionremaining code...} while (...);
Any solution to the critical section problem must satisfy the following requirements:
- Mutual exclusion: only one process can be in its critical section at any one point in time
- Progress: any process must be able to enter its critical section at some point in time
- Fairness/bounded waiting: processes cannot be made to wait indefinitely
- These requirements have to be satisfied, independent of the order in which sequences are executed
Enforcing Mutual Exclusion
- Approaches for mutual exclusion can be:
- Software based: Peterson’s solution
- Hardware based:
test_and_set(), swap_and_compare()
- Based on:
- Mutexes
- Semaphores
- Monitors (software construct within the programming languages)
- In addition to mutual exclusion, deadlocks have to be prevented (next week’s subject)
- Examples of concurrency issues (e.g. counter++)
- Root causes of concurrency issues
- Critical sections and mutual exclusion
- Requirements and approaches for mutual exclusion