Concurrency 2
- Software approaches: Peterson’s solution Hardware approaches:
- Disabling interrupts:
- Higher level approaches include mutexes and semaphores
Peterson’s Solution
- Peterson’s solution is a software based solution which worked well for older machines
- Two shared variables are used:
- turn: indicates which process is next to enter its critical section
- boolean flag[2]: indicates that a process is ready to enter its critical section
- It is restricted[限制] to two processes that execute in strict alternation[严格的交替]1234567891011do {flag[j] = true; // j wants to enter critical section turn = i; // allow i to access firstwhile (flag[i] && turn == i);// whilst i wants to access critical section// and its i’s turn, apply busy waiting// CRITICAL SECTIONflag[j] = false;// remainder section} while (...);
- Peterson’s solution satisfies all requirements for mutual exclusion
- Mutual exclusion requirement: the variable turn can have at most one value at a time
- while(flag[i] && turn == i)or while(flag[j] && turn == j) is true and at most one process can enter its critical section (mutual exclusion)
Disabling Interrupts
Disable interrupts whilst executing a critical section and prevent interruption (i.e., interrupts from timers, I/O devices, etc.)
- Think of the counter++ example
= counter; 12register = register + 1counter = register;
- Think of the counter++ example
Disabling interrupts “may” be appropriate on a single CPU machine
- This is inefficient on modern multi-core/multi processor machines
- Disabling interrupts on all cores/CPUs takes time and causes delays
- CPU capacity[能力] is lost on other cores
Atomic Instructions
- Implement
instructions as a set of atomic (UN-interruptible) instructions- Reading and setting the variable(s) is done as one “complete” set of instructions
- If
are called simultaneously, they will be executed sequentially
- They are used in in combination with global lock variables, assumed to be true if the lock is in use
Test and set must be atomic/UN-interruptable
1234567891011121314151617 // Test and set methodboolean test_and_set(boolean * lock) {boolean rv = *lock;*lock = true;return rv;}// Example of using test and set methoddo {// WHILE the lock is in use, apply busy waitingwhile (test_and_set(&lock));// Lock was false, now true// CRITICAL SECTION...lock = false;...// remainder section} while (...)
are hardware instructions and (usually) not directly accessible to the user- Busy waiting is used
- Starvation is possible
- Deadlock is possible
The OS uses the hardware instructions to implement higher level mechanisms/instructions for mutual exclusion, i.e. mutexes and semaphores
- Peterson’s solution (software)
- Hardware instructions: interrupt disabling, (test_and_set, compare_and_swap)